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Website Accessibility

The Buckingham Inn Bed and Breakfast strives to make accommodations and services accessible to individuals with disabilities. The Buckingham Inn endeavors to provide web access for all guests to learn about the property, amenities and services so they may ascertain whether the inn and its guest rooms will meet their needs. We are working to improve web accessibility so web visitors may navigate, see, understand and interact via The Buckingham Inn website.

The Buckingham Inn is continually working to meet evolving standards and to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1. We installed the UserWay accessibility plugin on our website, including features such as audible screen-reading, highlighting of links, and modifications to contrast, font, text and cursor size. We added more labels and titles to make it easier to find information on our site. The Buckingham Inn website contains many high-quality images that display amenities and features of the inn and illustrate the web page content. We added ALT tags to our web pages and images to aid in obtaining information from The Buckingham Inn website.

Our efforts in seeking solutions to enhance web accessibility are ongoing. We are happy to discuss The Buckingham Inn’s facilities, accommodations and services by telephone or e-mail. If you find an accessibility issue that has not yet been addressed, please notify us by e-mail at innkeepers@buckinghaminn.com or by phone at 608-819-8029.